Regional Seminars - Electrical Installations and Building Automation Systems
We invite you to participate in one-day Regional Seminars:
"Electrical Installations and Building Automation" organized by the company Biotope Office of Environmental Engineering - the publisher of "Millennium Gazeta Budowlana".
The seminars are fairs aimed at designers of low voltage electrical installations. During the seminars, the topics related to design the electrical installations up to 1 kV will be discussed for building management and control, monitoring, alarms, lighting, wiring (including structural wiring), electrical installation protection, low voltage switching stations, emergency power supply, lightning protection.
The seminar will take place on:
December 17th, 2015
Haston Congress Center in Wroclaw,
ul. Irysowa 1-3,
Rolls Royce A Hall – (I floor),
at 9:00 a.m.
Asix Product Manager of ASKOM will present
"Asix.Evo: Integration of Various Installations of BMS System in one SCADA application" (in Polish).
We cordially invite the interested ones.
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