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 Balancing & Measurement System for Energy Media

Kędzierzyn Nitric Works  (Zakłady Azotowe Kędzierzyn) is one of the biggest Polish enterprises in the chemical trade. In 2005, the decision on carrying out the general overhaul of the measurement and settlement system that had been operated since the mid 1990s was made, putting particular emphasis on improvement in reliability and availability of data based on which the heat consumers were accounted for...




 System for Control of Cooling Water Circulation / Distributed Control System

Just a few years ago prices of control systems in distributed configurations were too high comparing to central configurations, that they have been used mainly in DCS systems. Technological progress of integrated circuits and spreading of information technologies caused the costs of both solutions to be now comparable. Unification of communication networks developed by leading suppliers of automation systems and availability of their specification in form of international standards (e.g. SINEC L2 by SIEMENS - currently Profibus) caused further improvement of competition strength of distributed systems...










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